Pretty quite weekend here. Mary Ann was in Chicago, I was in NJ.
Picked the boys up on Friday night and picked up takeout for dinner. Got a movie on the way home (Poseidon) which they watched after dinner.
Saturday morning Nicholas and I got up and went to the gym. Picked up bagels on the way home. Had to drop Nicholas off at his school at 11 for a birthday party. Some kid in his class was taking the entire 1st grade into NY to see The Lion King on Broadway. A parent had to go as well so Anita went along. They had party at the school gym before they hopped on a bus to go into the city. Photo is taken at the party.
After we dropped Nicholas off Kieran and I went to see Spiderman 3 (which we both thought was pretty good). By the time that finished I had to drop Kieran at a birthday party at 4.30 which was at a roller skating rink in the middle of nowhere. It was far enough away from home it wasn't worth going home and coming back so I just ended up hanging around.
Got home around 7 and Nicholas got dropped off around 8. He had a great time and really enjoyed The Lion King.
Sunday was a pretty relaxed day. Got up a little late and cooked the boys breakfast. Kieran had to type a social studies report on Qin Shi Huangdi (China's 1st Emperor - who would have thought, I always thought the 1st Emperor of China was Qui-Gon Jinn from Star Wars).
We went to the wool shop so Nicholas could choose the wool for the sweater I am going to make him. Unfortunately they had sold out of the book the pattern is in so they are ordering it in for me. Nicholas picked out the color he wants so hopefully the book will arrive soon.
Kieran wanted to go see Shrek 3 so we went to see that in the afternoon. Again, it was pretty good, but not as funny as the first two.
When we got home we played rugby outside for a while and then it was time for dinner and to drop them off at Anita's.
Next weekend is a long weekend here (Memorial Day) and Anita has the boys so Mary Ann and I are going out to San Francisco to stay with Catherine for a few days and spend a couple of days up in Napa as it is MA's birthday mid-week. Looking forward to the break.